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Photo Gallery: Flowers and others

Hobby Photo Page. Having fun with photos using PhotoShop.

(By the way, I have three cameras: OLYMPUS C-5050 ZOOM, OLYMPUS C770UZ and FujiFilm FinePix F11. Before these, I used Nikon COOLPIX 885,
The first one was KODAK DC215 ZOOM, only one mega pixels. The camera of mobile phones these days are better than this. Really surprising.)

| Favorite Photos | [Scenery] Landscape and Animals |
| [Scenery] Water Drops and Others | [Flower] Lily series |
| [Flower] Chrysanthemum and Rose | [Flower] Gerbera series |
| [Flower] Carnation and Others | [Flower] Others |

 Favorite Photos

WhiteFlower5 NotYet WhatIsThis Gerbera4
Profile2 Gerbera6 Kiku5 Gerbera8

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[Scenery] Landscape and Animals

AutumnScenery Goose duck

[Scenery] Water Drops and Others

WaterDrop1 WaterDrop2 Light and Contrast

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[Flower] Lily series

NotYet Bloomed CloseUp WhatIsThis
flower0110 Profile2

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[Flower] Chrysanthemum and Rose

Kiku4 Kiku5 rose2 rose3

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[Flower] Gerbera series

Gerbera3 Gerbera4 GerberaDuo Gerbera6
Gerbera5 Gerbera7 Gerbera8

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[Flower] Carnation and Others

Carnation2 Carnation3 azalea

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[Flower] Others

ThreeShadows CherryBlossoms WhiteOne WhiteFlower5

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